Home business ideas that aren’t crafts
Andrew Stuckey • May 15, 2020

Working from home is a trend that's on the up. In 1998, 2.9 million people were doing it, whereas in 2014, that figure stood at 4.2 million – indicating a rise of 1.3 million in just over a decade.
And why not? With endless supplies of tea and coffee, plus the fact you don't have to get out of your jammies if you don’t want to, working from home provides a great solution for anyone who's sick of the daily grind.
Interested in swapping your suit for a nice pair of slacks? Have a pop at starting one of these businesses and you could find yourself working from home faster than the time it takes to boil the kettle.
Go viral
While sitting around and chatting to a webcam may sound like a bit of a doss, if you've got something interesting, funny or poignant to say, YouTube could take notice and start paying you for every video that you upload.
Start with a modest webcam then, if you find you've got a regular audience viewing your work, take things up a notch with a more professional, HD option.
There are loads of examples of people who have managed to turn their vlogs into viable careers, so if ever you're in the need for some inspiration, head over to YouTube and check them out.
Build your own career
If you're capable of building a website from the ground up, you should be more than capable of building a career out of it too. Web development is a skillset that's rarer than you'd imagine, and in the modern internet age, demand is higher than ever.
The best thing about being a freelance web developer is that you can work from home for as much time as you like. Provided you meet the deadlines set by your client, there's nothing stopping you working from 10am to 6pm, or 6pm to 3am – it's entirely up to you.
New to the game but still want to learn the basics? There are plenty of great books, YouTube tutorials and blogs dedicated to helping people master the art of web development, meaning you could land your new home career sooner than you first thought.
Doing it for the kids
So you're not the best when it comes to computers? No problem, there are still tons of business ideas that allow you to work from home – including childcare.
In many households today, both parents are committed to their respective careers, which can make it hard to do things such as the daily school run. That's where you step in. Provided you're DBS checked, registered with the council, hold first aid certificates, have the correct insurance and willing to open your home to children, becoming a child-minder can provide a steady income – even in the school holidays. Read more about becoming a fully registered child-minder here.
By offering your services before and after school, you could soon turn your spare time into time well spent.
Furry friends
Does the thought of crying children and runny noses make you want to run a mile? Fair play – maybe you'd be better off opening your house to other people's pets, as opposed to other people's kids.
Being a pet sitter is much like being a babysitter, in that you're providing a service that others can't normally do due to issues such as work or illness. You’ll also benefit from plenty of long walks, which is great if you're the type of person who enjoys a calorie-burning stroll and a chest full of fresh air.
Thinking of ditching your daily commute for a pot of tea and breakfast in front of the telly? What's stopping you! Remember, our blog is full of inspiring ideas and money saving tips – so if ever you get need some inspiration, you know where to come.